Channel: Atlas Obscura
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: dzūkija national park lithuaniaatlas obscuramerkinepyramidthings to do lithuaniadzūkija national parklithuaniadome
Description: Up until this year, thousands of people of all faiths traveled to Lithuania’s Dzūkija National Park to meditate inside a glass dome. The structure was inspired by an incident in 1990, when a boy named Povilas Zekas was told by a mysterious voice that he would have the gift of divine conversation. In 2002, to commemorate what some believe to be a miracle, Zekas built the "Pyramid of Merkine" and added a glass dome for protection, turning it into a New Age marvel that’s said to channel divine energy. Belief aside, come to indulge in the acoustic marvels the dome creates. Subscribe for more videos like this: At Atlas Obscura, our mission is to inspire wonder and curiosity about the incredible world we all share. See where we’re exploring here: Subscribe for more videos like this: Follow us on Facebook: Tweet us: